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Home » Services

Helicopter passenger and cargo transportation - up to 82 persons, 20 000 kilos,

Heavy Lift - Lifting of objects that weigh up to 20 000 kilos

Winching - Using a winch to lift people or objects, often in situations where a helicopter would not be able to land

Slinging - Working with loads external to a helicopter

Forestry Support - Assisting government agencies with monitoring and fire suppression in forest areas

Pipeline Inspection - Overhead monitoring of oil and gas pipelines to report any issues or unusual activity

Seismic - Assisting companies in searching for oil and gas via seismic activity

Search-and-rescue (SAR)

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Disaster Response

Fire Fighting

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Авиаперевозки грузовые Тушение пожаров Сейсмическая активность Неотложная медицинская помощь Helicopter Passenger Freight Heavy Lifts Forestry Pipeline Inspection Seismic activity Fighting fires